Beschreibung: Move the blocks around into the right spots.
Spiele: 293 Bewertung:
Surfwife schreibt am: 00.00.0000 um 00:00:00 Uhr:
Super, immer wieder neue Herausforderungen!!!
tara0170 schreibt am: 00.00.0000 um 00:00:00 Uhr:
Mal ein Spiel, das Grips erfordert!
Schiebe die Blöcke in die entsprechenden Felder.
Gar nicht mal so leicht...
Armando schreibt am: 13.12.2015 um 16:53:23 Uhr:
Thanks for the help. My score is 90650, after trying this moehtd twice . I did one thing differently- I just hit Nigel with blue birds without multiple taps (tapping makes my screen zoom in too much). I waited until Nigel circled around and headed left, made a little dip between two left mushrooms and started upwards again. I was waiting with the red bird and immediately sent it into the TNT. Nigel was hit about 6 times and then I waited. He finally floated up for 10000. Final score 90650 and I am finished with this level!